Total Physical Response
Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching
method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach
language through physical (motor) activity. Developed by James Asher, a
professor of psychology at San Jose State University, California, it draws on
several traditions, including developmental psychology, learning theory, and
humanistic pedagogy, as well as on language teaching procedures proposed by
Harold and Dorothy Palmer in 1925. Let us briefly consider these precedents to
Total Physical Response.
Total Physical Response is linked to the "trace
theory" of memory in psychology (e.g., Katona 1940), which holds that the
more often or the more intensively a memory connection is traced, the stronger
the memory association will be and the more likely it will be recalled.
Retracing can be done verbally (e.g., by rote repetition) and/or in association
with motor activity. Combined tracing activities, such as verbal
rehearsal accompanied by motor activity, hence increase the probability of successful
In a developmental sense, Asher sees successful adult
second language learning as a parallel process to child first language
acquisition. He claims that speech directed to young children consists
primarily of commands, which children respond to physically before they begin
to produce verbal responses. Asher feels adults should recapitulate the
processes by which children acquire their mother tongue.
Asher shares with the school of humanistic psychology
a concern for the role of affective (emotional) factors in language learning. A
method that is undemanding in terms of linguistic production and that involves
game like movements reduces learner stress, he believes, and creates a positive
mood in the learner, which facilitates learning.
Asher's emphasis on developing comprehension skills
before the learner is taught to speak links him to a movement in foreign
language teaching sometimes referred to as the Comprehension Approach (Winitz
1981). This refers to several different comprehension-based language teaching
proposals, which share the belief that (a) comprehension abilities precede
productive skills in learning a language; (b) the teaching of speaking should
be delayed until comprehension skills are established; (c) skills acquired
through listening transfer to other skills; (d) teaching should emphasize
meaning rather than form; and (e) teaching should minimize learner stress.
The emphasis on comprehension and the use of physical
actions to teach a foreign language at an introductory level has a long
tradition in language teaching. We saw in Chapter 1 that in the nineteenth
century Gouin had advocated a situationally based teaching strategy in which a
chain of action verbs served as the basis for introducing and practicing new
language items. Palmer experimented with an action-based teaching strategy in
his book English Through Actions (first published in Tokyo in 1925 and
ultimately reissued as Palmer and Palmer in 1959), which claimed that "no
method of teaching foreign speech is likely to be economical or successful
which does not include in the first period a very considerable proportion of
that type of classroom work which consists of the carrying out by the pupil of
orders issued by the teacher" (Palmer and Palmer 1959: 39).
Theory of language
Asher does not directly discuss the nature of language
or how languages are organized. However, the labeling and ordering of TPR
classroom drills seem to be built on assumptions that owe much to structuralist
or grammar-based views of language. Asher states that "most of the grammatical
structure of the target language and hundreds of vocabulary items can be
learned from the skillful use of the imperative by the instructor" (1977:
4). He views the verb, and particularly the verb in the imperative, as the
central linguistic motif around which language use and learning are organized.
Asher sees language as being composed of abstractions
and non-abstractions, with non-abstractions being most specifically represented
by concrete nouns and imperative verbs. He believes that learners can acquire
a "detailed cognitive map" as well as "the grammatical structure
of a language" without recourse to abstractions.
should be delayed until students have internalized a detailed cognitive map of
the target language. Abstractions are not necessary for people to decode the
grammatical structure of a language. Once students have internalized the code,
abstractions can be introduced and explained in the target language. (Asher
1977: 11—12)
This is an interesting claim about language but one
that is insufficiently detailed to test. For example, are tense, aspect,
articles, and so forth, abstractions, and if so, what sort of "detailed
cognitive map" could be constructed without them?
Despite Asher's belief in the central role of
comprehension in language learning, he does not elaborate on the relation
between comprehension, production, and communication (he has no theory of
speech acts or their equivalents, for example), although in advanced TPR
lessons imperatives are used to initiate different speech acts, such as
requests ("John, ask Mary to walk to the door"), and apologies
("Ned, tell Jack you're sorry").
Asher also refers in passing to the fact that language
can be internalized as wholes or chunks, rather than as single lexical items,
and, as such, links are possible to more theoretical proposals of this kind
(e.g., Miller, Galanter, and Pribram 1960), as well as to work on the role of
prefabricated patterns in language learning and language use (e.g., Yorio
1980). Asher does not elaborate on his view of chunking, however, nor on other
aspects of the theory of language underlying Total Physical Response. We have
only clues to what a more fully developed language theory might resemble when
spelled out by Asher and his supporters.
Theory of learning
Asher's language learning theories are reminiscent of
the views of other behavioral psychologists. For example, the psychologist
Arthur Jensen proposed a seven-stage model to describe the development of
verbal learning in children. The first stage he calls Sv-R type learning, which
the educational psychologist John DeCecco interprets as follows:
In Jensen's notation, Sv refers to a verbal stimulus—a
syllable, a word, a phrase, and so on. R refers to the physical movements the
child makes in response to the verbal stimulus (or Sv). The movement may
involve touching, grasping, or otherwise manipulating some object. For example,
mother may tell Percival (age 1) to get the ball, and Percival, distinguishing
the sound "ball" from the clatter of other household noises, responds
by fetching the ball and bringing it to his mother. Ball is the Sv (verbal stimulus),
and Percival's action is the response. At Percival's age, children respond to
words about four times faster than they respond to other sounds in their
environment. It is not clear why this is so, but it is possible that the
reinforcing effects of making proper responses to verbal stimuli are
sufficiently strong to cause a rapid development of this behavior. Sv-R
learning represents, then, the simplest form of verbal behavior. (DeCecco 1968:
This is a very similar position to Asher's view of
child language acquisition. Although learning psychologists such as Jensen
have since abandoned such simple stimulus-response models of language
acquisition and development, and although linguists have rejected them as
incapable of accounting for the fundamental features of language learning and
use (see Chapter 4), Asher still sees a stimulus-response view as providing the
learning theory underlying language teaching pedagogy. In addition, Asher has elaborated an account of what he
feels facilitates or inhibits foreign language learning. For this dimension of
his learning theory he draws on three rather influential learning
- There exists a specific innate bio-program for language learning, which defines an optimal path for first and second language development.
- Brain lateralization defines different learning functions in the left- and right-brain hemispheres.
- Stress (an affective filter) intervenes between the act of learning and what is to be learned; the lower the stress, the greater the learning.
The general objectives of Total Physical Response are
to teach oral proficiency at a beginning level. Comprehension is a means to an
end, and the ultimate aim is to teach basic speaking skills. A TPR course aims
to produce learners who are capable of an uninhibited communication that is
intelligible to a native speaker. Specific instructional objectives are not
elaborated, for these will depend on the particular needs of the learners.
Whatever goals are set, however, must be attainable through the use of
action-based drills in the imperative form.
The syllabus
The type of syllabus Asher uses can be inferred from
an analysis of the exercise types employed in TPR classes. This analysis
reveals the use of a sentence-based syllabus, with grammatical and lexical
criteria being primary in selecting teaching items. Unlike methods that operate
from a grammar-based or structural view of the core elements of language, Total
Physical Response requires initial attention to meaning rather than to the form
of items. Grammar is thus taught inductively. Grammatical features and
vocabulary items are selected not according to their frequency of need or use
in target language situations, but according to the situations in which they
can be used in the classroom and the ease with which they can be learned.
The criterion for
including a vocabulary item or grammatical feature at a particular point in
training is ease of assimilation by students. If an item is not learned
rapidly, this means that the students are not ready for that item. Withdraw it
and try again at a future time in the training program. (Asher 1977: 42)
Asher also suggests that a fixed number of items be
introduced at a time, to facilitate ease of differentiation and assimilation.
"In an hour, it is possible for students to assimilate 12 to 36 new
lexical items depending upon the size of the group and the stage of
training" (Asher 1977: 42). Asher sees a need for attention to both
the global meaning of language as well as to the finer details of its
The movement of the
body seems to be a powerful mediator for the understanding, organization and
storage of macro-details of linguistic input. Language can be internalized in
chunks, but alternative strategies must be developed for fine-tuning to
macro-details. (Asher, Kusudo, and de la Torre 1974: 28)
A course designed around Total Physical Response
principles, however, would not be expected to follow a TPR syllabus
We are not advocating only one strategy of learning.
Even if the imperative is the major or minor format of training, variety is
critical for maintaining continued student interest. The imperative is a
powerful facilitator of learning, but it should be used in combination with
many other techniques. The optimal combination will vary from instructor to
instructor and class to class. (Asher 1977: 28)
Types of learning and teaching activities
Imperative drills are the major classroom activity in
Total Physical Response. They are typically used to elicit physical actions
and activity on the part
of the learners. Conversational dialogues are delayed until after about 120 hours
of instruction. Asher's rationale for this is that "everyday
conversations are highly abstract and disconnected; therefore to understand
them requires a rather advanced internalization of the target language"
(1977: 95). Other class activities include role plays and slide presentations.
Role plays center on everyday situations, such as at the restaurant,
supermarket, or gas station. The slide presentations are used to provide a
visual center for teacher narration, which is followed by commands, and for
questions to students, such as "Which person in the picture is the
salesperson?". Reading
and writing activities may also be employed to further consolidate structures
and vocabulary, and as follow-ups to oral imperative drills.
Learner roles
Learners in Total Physical Response have the primary
roles of listener and performer. They listen attentively and respond physically
to commands given by the teacher. Learners are required to respond both
individually and collectively. Learners have little influence over the content
of learning, since content is determined by the teacher, who must follow the
imperative-based format for lessons. Learners are also expected to recognize
and respond to novel combinations of previously taught items:
Novel utterances are recombinations of constituents
you have used directly in training. For instance, you directed students with
'Walk to the table!' and 'Sit on the chair!'. These are familiar to students
since they have practiced responding to them. Now, will a student understand
if you surprise the individual with an unfamiliar utterance that you created
by recombining familiar elements (e.g. 'Sit on the table!'). (Asher 1977: 31)
Learners are also required to produce novel
combinations of their own. Learners monitor and evaluate their own progress.
They are encouraged to speak when they feel ready to speak - that is, when a
sufficient basis in the language has been internalized.
of the steps follows:
- Students watch demonstration of key words and then a command using them.
- Students listen again and watch as the teacher performs the action.
- The teacher gives the command and models the action again, this time having students perform the actions simultaneously.
- The teacher gives the command to the group without modeling the action.
- The teacher gives the command to an individual without modeling the action.
- The teacher models variations & combinations for the groups.
- Students perform variations & combinations.
- If some students are ready, they give commands to classmates.
Total Physical Response is in a sense a revival and
extension of Palmer and Palmer's English Through Actions, updated with
references to more recent psychological theories. It has enjoyed some
popularity because of its support by those who emphasize the role of
comprehension in second language acquisition. Krashen (1981), for example,
regards provision of comprehensible input and reduction of stress as keys to
successful language acquisition, and he sees performing physical actions in the
target language as a means of making input comprehensible and minimizing stress
(see Chapter 9). The experimental support for the effectiveness of Total
Physical Response is sketchy (as it is for most methods) and typically deals
with only the very beginning stages of learning. Proponents of Communicative
Language Teaching would question the relevance to real-world learner needs of
the TPR syllabus and the utterances and sentences used within it. Asher
himself, however, has stressed that Total Physical Response should be used in
association with other methods and techniques. Indeed, practitioners of TPR
typically follow this recommendation, suggesting that for many teachers TPR
represents a useful set of techniques and is compatible with other approaches
to teaching. TPR practices therefore may be effective for reasons other than
those proposed by Asher and do not necessarily demand commitment to the
learning theories used to justify them.
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)
Nama Sekolah : SMPN 1 Besuki
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / 1
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )
Topik Pembelajaran : Procedure
Pertemuan Ke : 5
A. Standar Kompetensi
Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk
recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
B. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa
lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dalam teks: recount, narrative, dan procedure.
C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Nilai Budaya Dan
Karakter Bangsa
§ Menjawab pertanyaan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk procedure
§ Melakukan teks monolog lisan berbentuk
§ Mempresentasikan teks monolog lisan
berbentuk procedure
Religius, jujur,
toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu,
semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta
damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab,
Kewirausahaan/ Ekonomi Kreatif :
Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).
Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi,
tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).
Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu
Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk
masa depan)
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa
dapat :
Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk procedure
Siswa dapat melakukan teks monolog lisan
berbentuk procedure
Siswa mempresentasikan teks monolog lisan
berbentuk procedure
E. Materi Pokok
1. Teks monolog berbentuk procedure, contohnya:
How to Make Gudeg Jogja (Green
Jack Fruit Sweet Stew)
- 5 onions
- 10 candlenuts
- 10 garlic cloves
- 4 bay Leaves
- 1/2 lb. (250g) green jack fruit
- 2-1/2 tsp. (12g) coriander seeds
- 1-1/4
tsp. (6g) cumin
- 1/4 cup (62ml) coconut sugar
- 2 cups (500ml) coconut milk
- 2 tsp. (30g) tamarind
- 2 lb. (1kg) chicken (cut into small pieces
with bone)
- 5 cups (1.25l) water
- 2 inches bruised galangal
- First, cut green jack fruit 1 inch thick.
Wash and boil until tender.
- Next, ground onions, candle nuts, sauté
paste, bay leaves, and galangal until fragrant.
- Add the chicken pieces, stir fry until
chicken changes clour.
- Then, pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar,
bring to a boil.
- Add the green jack fruit and simmer until the
chicken and vegetables are tender.
- Finally, add coconut milk 5 minutes before
it’s done, bring back to a boil. Serve
hot with ice.
- This dish is sweet
and usually served with shrimp cracker
2. Procedure text can be explained as bellow:
Social function :
to describe how something is accomplished through
a sequence of
actions or steps.
Generic structure:
- Goal.
- Materials (not required for all procedural
- Steps (a series of steps oriented to
achieving the goal)
F. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
Total Physical Response
G. Strategi Pembelajaran
Tatap Muka
Bertanya jawab tentang pertanyaan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk procedure.
Membahas unsur dan langkah retorika dalam pertanyaan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk procedure.
Membahas ciri-ciri leksikogramatika.
Membacakan cerita kepada kelompok atau kelas
Menceritakan kembali cerita kepada kelompok atau
kelas (monolog).
Membahas kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa dalam
melakukan kegiatan terstruktur dan mandiri.
Dengan kelompok belajarnya, siswa diberi tugas
untuk melakukan hal-hal berikut, dan melaporkan setiap kegiatan kepada guru,
a.l. tentang tempat, siapa saja yang datang, kesulitan yang dihadapi.
Bertanya jawab tentang isi cerita (karakter,
setting, plot) yang sudah dibaca, ditonton, dan/atau didengar dengan kelompok
Membahas unsur dan langkah retorika dalam teks
Membahas ciri-ciri leksikogramatika.
Membacakan cerita kepada kelompok (monolog).
Menceritakan kembali cerita kepada kelompok
Siswa melakukan berbagai kegiatan terkait
dengan wacana berbentuk naratif di luar tugas tatap muka dan terstruktur yang
diberikan guru.
Siswa mengumpulkan setiap hasil kerja dalam
portofolio, dan melaporkan hal-hal yang sudah diperoleh serta kesulitan yang
dihadapi secara rutin kepada guru.
Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Awal (10’)
salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika memasuki ruang kelas (nilai
yang ditanamkan: santun, peduli)
- Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai
yang ditanamkan: disiplin, rajin)
- Mengaitkan materi/kompetensi yang akan
dipelajari dengan karakter
- Dengan merujuk pada silabus, RPP, dan bahan
ajar, menyampaikan butir karakter yang hendak dikembangkan selain yang
terkait dengan SK/KD
- Siswa berdiskusi mengenai pertanyaan yang
tertera di buku teks
Inti (70’)
Dalam kegiatan
eksplorasi guru:
§ Memberikan
stimulus berupa pemberian materi pertanyaan
teks monolog sederhana berbentuk
§ Mendiskusikan
materi bersama siswa (Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai pertanyaan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk procedure.
§ Memberikan
kesempatan pada peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau
mempresentasikan mengenai pertanyaan
teks monolog sederhana berbentuk
§ Siswa
diminta membahas contoh soal dalam Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris
mengenai pertanyaan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk procedure.
Dalam kegiatan
elaborasi guru:
§ Membiasakan
siswa membuat kalimat pertanyaan
teks monolog sederhana berbentuk
§ Memfasilitasi
siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan latihan soal yang ada pada buku ajar
Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan secara individual.
Dalam kegiatan
konfirmasi guru:
§ Memberikan
umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan dalam bentuk lisan pada siswa
yang telah dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya.
§ Memberi
konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh siswa melalui sumber
buku lain.
§ Memfasilitasi
siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah
§ Memberikan
motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa mengikuti dalam materi
mengenai pertanyaan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk procedure.
Akhir (10’)
§ Siswa
diminta membuat rangkuman dari materi mengenai pertanyaan teks monolog sederhana
berbentuk procedure.
§ Siswa
dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan.
§ Siswa
diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi mengenai pertanyaan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk procedure.
§ Menyampaikan
rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.
H. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
§ Buku
Look Ahead 1 , English for Better Life
§ Buku
Inter-Language Kelas X
§ Script
dari Look Ahead 1 dan Inter-Language
I. Penilaian
I. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh.
Menjawab pertanyaan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk procedure
Melakukan teks monolog lisan berbentuk
Mempresentasikan teks monolog lisan berbentuk
Performance Assessment (responding)
Tes Lisan
Tes Lisan
Melengkapi dialog
Membuat dialog
Presentasi individual
Complete the dialogue below using the suitable expression!
Give your responses orally based on the situations below!
Listen carefully and then identify the goal, mate-rials
needed and steps
II. Instrumen Penilaian
Your teacher will read the following text. Listen carefully and then
identify the goal, materials
needed and steps.
How to Make an Omelet
Hello friend, how are
you? Have you ever eaten a cheese omelet? Do you know how to make a Cheese
Omelet? No? Would you like me to tell it for you? Okay. This is the way. Listen
to me.
To make a
Cheese Omelet, you should prepare ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of
cheese, uhm... ¼ cup of milk, three
tablespoons of cooking oil, uhm...what else ....? Oh, yeah, a pinch of salt and
don’t forget some pepper. Now, to make a Cheese Omelet, you will need some
kitchen utensils like a frying pan, a fork, a whisk, a spatula, uhm..... a
cheese grater ...and a bowl and of course ....a plate. Okay? Are you following
me ? Right! Let me tell you how to make it.
crack an egg into a bowl like this. Then whisk the egg with a fork until it is
smooth. After that, add some milk and whisk well. Grate the cheese into the
bowl and stir. Next, heat the oil in a frying pan, and pour the mixture into
the frying pan. Then, turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns. See, like
this. Okay, next cook both sides. After the omelet is done, place it on a
plate, don’t forget to season it with salt and pepper and you can eat it while
warm. It’s easy, isn’t it? Bon appetite!
Find out:
What is the text talking about?
What is the purpose of the text?
How many steps are there in the text?
Please represent in front of the class how to make or to do
III. Pedoman Penilaian
Aspect of
Low (45-59)
Average (60-75)
Good (76-100)
Total Score
Kepala Sekolah,
Situbondo, Juli 2011
Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,
Saiful Anwar, S.Pd